Johnson, B. W. (2016). Sartrean Ethics: A Defense of Jean-Paul Sartre As A Moral Philosopher (First edition). Eduka Solutions.
Johnson, B. W. (2017a). Jean-Paul Sartre and Morality: A Legacy Under Attack (1st edition). Eduka Solutions.
Johnson, B. W. (2017b). Sartre Lives On (1st edition). Eduka Solutions.
Johnson, B. W. (2017c). Forced Out Of Vietnam: A Policy Analysis Of The Fall Of Saigon (1st edition). Eduka Solutions.
Johnson, B. W. (2017d). Natural Law: Morality and Obedience. Eduka Solutions.
Johnson, B. W. (2018a). Racism: What Is It? (1st edition). Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2018d). International Law: The Rise of Russia as a Global Threat. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019b). Cogito, Ergo Philosophus: I Think, Therefore I Philosophize. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019c). Citizen Obedience: The Nature of Legal Obligation. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019e). Adult Education in America: A Policy Assessment of Adult Learning. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019f). Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership: A Roadmap For American Educators. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019g). Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Collection of Short Essays. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020a). Striving to Survive: The Human Migration Story. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020b). Postcolonial Africa: Three Comparative Essays about the African State. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020c). Go Back Where You Came From. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020f). Surviving the Coronavirus: A Tribute to Humanity (W. Olivier, Ed.). Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020g). Discourse on Human Freedom. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2021b). The Burden of Life. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2021c). God and Existentialism: The Chronicles of a Survivalist. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2022b). How to Fix Cyberbullying: Assessing the Crisis of School Interventions. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2022c). Why Do People Commit Crimes: Assessing Three Major Crime Theories. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2022d). The Being in the World: The Being, The Self, and The Self-Within-The-Self. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2023). Madame de Rouleau. Tesko Publishing.
Books in Other Languages
Johnson, B. W. (2018b). L’homme et le Racisme: Être Responsable de vos Actions et Omissions. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2018c). Être Noir: Quel Malheur. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019a). Le Racisme (1st edition). Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2019d). Le Racisme et le Socialisme: La Discrimination Raciale dans un Milieu Capitaliste. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020e). Retournez d’où Vous Venez. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2020d). Regrese de Donde Vino. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2021a). Discours sur la liberté humaine. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2022a). Le Fardeau de la Vie. Tesko Publishing.
Johnson, B. W. (2009, December 16). Adult Education: From a Policymaking, Pedagogical, and Socio Environmental Standpoint [Paper]. Critical Analysis Paper (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2010a, April). Reevaluating zero tolerance policy in public schools [Paper]. Educational Policy (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2010b, August). The effects of zero tolerance policy on school violence: A mixed method approach [Paper]. Mixed Method Research in Education (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2010c, September 24). What is Education Law: A Legal Analysis [Paper]. Educational Policy Studies (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2011a, March 10). A comprehensive look at Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s views on education and ethics (1712-1778) [Paper]. Educational Leadership (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2011b, March 22). Cyberbullying Policies in K-12 Education: Assessing the Ramifications of School Interventions [Paper]. Educational Policy Studies (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2011c, October 2). Post Feudalism Education and Inequality: A Comparative Analysis between the Sources of Change in Japanese Education and the Bolivian Revolution [Paper]. Higher Education Policy (Penn State University), University Park, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2021a, May 2). Racial and Ethnic Minorities Working in the Criminal Justice System [Paper]. Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (Penn State University), Harrisburg, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2021b, October 23). Neighborhoods and Crime Theory [Paper]. Advanced Criminology Theory (Penn State University), Harrisburg, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2021c, December 8). Assessing How Use of Force Policies Contribute to Police Brutality [Paper]. Advanced Research Methods for Criminology Justice (Penn State University), Harrisburg, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2021d, December 11). Moral Panic as a Theory of Crime [Paper]. Advanced Criminology Theory (Penn State University), Harrisburg, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2022, June 24). Assessing Organized Crime Control Efforts [Paper]. Organized Crime (Penn State University), Harrisburg, PA.
Johnson, B. W. (2008). Should Illegal Immigrants be allowed free access to Government Services? [Master’s thesis]. Penn State University.
Johnson, B. W. (2012). Cyber-Bullying Policies In K-12 Public Education: An Analysis of the Legal Implications of School Interventions [PhD diss., Pennsylvania State University].
Johnson, B. W. (2022). Laurence Miller (2020). The Psychology of Police Deadly Force Encounters: Science, Practice, and Policy: Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas publisher, ltd. 304 pp., $44.95. ISBN: 978-0-398-09326-6 (paperback)| 978-0-398-09327-3 (e-Book).
Johnson, B. W. (2023). Assessing How Perceptions of Police Closeness Affect Social Distance and Recruitment Efforts [Master’s thesis, Pennsylvania State University].
Johnson, B. W. (2021a, December 12). Why Is Police Recruitment Declining?
Johnson, B. W. (2021b, June 4). The Purpose Of Education.
Johnson, B. W. (2021c, June 17). Understanding Public School Operations.
Johnson, B. W. (2021d, November 12). Examining The Extent Of Institutional Corruption In Russia.
Johnson, B. W. (2021e, November 12). Understanding Why Pennsylvania Schools Are Falling Behind.
Johnson, B. W. (2021f, November 13). Juvenile Delinquency And Antisocial Factors.
Johnson, B. W. (2021g, December 12). The Best Theories In Criminal Justice.
Johnson, B. W. (2021h, December 13). 4 Reasons Women Become Police Officers.
Johnson, B. W. (2021i, December 13). 10 Reasons Blacks Do Not Want To Become Police Officers.
Johnson, B. W. (2021j, December 13). The Relationship Between Race And Crime.
Johnson, B. W. (2022, February 10). Why Is Police Field Training Important?
Ben Wood Johnson (Director). (2023, January 16). Be Your Own Helping Hand—TBWJP073.
Johnson, B. W. (n.d.-a). Understanding Legal Obligation (A Natural Evolution) (No. 63) [Mp3]. Retrieved April 26, 2023, from—tbwjp063
Johnson, B. W. (n.d.-b). Understanding Legal Obligation (A Natural Evolution) [Mp3]. Retrieved April 26, 2023, from—tbwjp063